10 Year Anniversary
MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR: Tyneside Gymnastics Club 10TH Anniversary On Monday 2nd November 2020 Tyneside Gymnastics Club was 10 Years Old....

Tyneside's New Mural
Tyneside's gym was brightened up recently with a new mural, designed and painted by Reece Higham. The mural was painted whilst the gym...

No Confusion At Gymfusion
Despite recent disruptions to our club's training and rehearsal schedule a team of Tyneside gymnasts put on a brilliant display at this...

Tyneside @ Pink Ladies 2018
Gymnasts from Tyneside Gymnastics Club once again competed at the annual Pink Ladies Invitational. The competition is hosted by South...

Tyneside At North Regional Voluntaries 2018 - Day 2
Well done. Fabulous work from all our gymnasts who competed on day 2 💚💚

Tyneside Compete At North Regional Voluntaries 2018
Huge well done to Megan and Jess who competed level 4&5 on day 1of the North Regional Voluntaries taking place at CONGA! You both...

Tyneside Gymnastics will be taking part in GymFusion 2018 on Sunday 21st October at the Sage - Gateshead. There are 7 GymFusion events...

Tyneside Gymnastics Club is set to benefit from a new sprung floor thanks to a recent charity fundraiser in the City. Tyneside Gymnastics...

Junior Micro Team Qualify for the British Championships!
Tyneside Gymnastics Club's TeamGym Level 2 Micro Juniors have qualified in third place for the British Championships at the Northern...